U.S. Virgin Islands Maps

These maps show U.S. Virgin Islands' Counties, Cities, Federal Areas, Water, and Ecoregions.

U.S. Virgin Islands County Map

The Counties of U.S. Virgin Islands and Their Name Origins

U.S. Virgin Islands County Sizes Map

U.S. Virgin Islands State County Sizes Map

Smallest County in U.S. Virgin Islands

St. John: Approximately 20 square miles

Largest County in U.S. Virgin Islands

St. Croix: Approximately 83 square miles

Mean and Median Area of Counties in U.S. Virgin Islands

Mean Area: 51.33 sq miles

Median Area: 51.33 sq miles

U.S. Virgin Islands Major Cities Map

Major Cities of U.S. Virgin Islands and Their Locations

1. St. Thomas

Charlotte Amalie: The largest city and capital of the U.S. Virgin Islands, located on St. Thomas, is an important port and commercial hub.

2. St. Croix

Christiansted: Known for its rich history and beautiful colonial architecture.

Frederiksted: A small town with historical significance and beautiful beaches.

St. Thomas Islands Shaded Relief Map

St John Islands Shaded Relief Map

St Croix Islands Shaded Relief Map

Topographic Tour of U.S. Virgin Islands

The U.S. Virgin Islands offer a variety of landscapes, from sandy beaches to tropical forests. The islands have rolling hills and volcanic terrain, with lush greenery. St. Thomas, St. John, and St. Croix feature different elevations, with dramatic peaks like Crown Mountain on St. Thomas, rising to 1,555 feet. St. John boasts lush rainforests, particularly in the Virgin Islands National Park, while St. Croix features flatter terrain with gently rolling hills on its east end. Each island has its own unique topographic features, making the U.S. Virgin Islands a diverse and scenic destination.

St. Thomas Island Benthic Zones Map

St. John Island Benthic Zones Map

St. Croix Island Benthic Zones Map

Benthic Zones of U.S. Virgin Islands

The benthic zones of the U.S. Virgin Islands encompass a range of marine habitats that thrive at different depths around the islands. These zones support diverse ecosystems, including coral reefs, seagrass beds, and sandy bottoms, each critical to the health of the islands' marine life. The benthic zones play an essential role in providing habitat, feeding grounds, and breeding areas for fish, invertebrates, and marine mammals.

U.S. Virgin Islands Federal Lands Map

Notable Federal Lands: Some of the Largest and Most Fascinating Destinations in U.S. Virgin Islands