New Jersey State Maps

These maps show New Jersey State's Counties, Cities, Federal Areas, Physiographic, and Ecoregions.

New Jersey County Map

The 21 Counties of New Jersey and Their Name Origins

New Jersey County Sizes Map

New Jersey State County Sizes Map

Smallest County in New Jersey State

Hudson County: 51 sq miles

Largest County in New Jersey State

Burlington County: 822 sq miles

Mean and Median Area of Counties in New Jersey State

Mean Area: 343.95 sq miles

Median Area: 228.0 sq miles

New Jersey Major Cities Map

Major Cities of New Jersey State and Their Locations

New Jersey is home to several major cities, each with its own unique characteristics and geographic location. Below are some of the key cities in the state:

New Jersey State Shaded Relief Map

Topographic Tour of New Jersey

New Jersey, though one of the smaller states, is home to diverse topography. Here are some of its key features:

New Jersey Physiographic Regions Map

Physiographic Regions of New Jersey

Coastal Plain, Embayed

The Coastal Plain of New Jersey is characterized by flat, low-lying terrain extending inland from the Atlantic coast. This region includes significant wetlands, tidal areas, and sandy soils that are ideal for agriculture and coastal ecosystems.

New England, New England Upland

The New England Upland region of New Jersey consists of rolling hills and uplands formed from ancient metamorphic rocks. This area includes diverse forested habitats and is known for its rich historical and cultural significance.

Piedmont, Piedmont Lowlands

The Piedmont Lowlands of New Jersey feature gently rolling hills and valleys with sedimentary rock formations. This region is home to numerous rivers and streams and includes many of the state's agricultural and urban centers.

Valley And Ridge, Middle

The Valley and Ridge region of New Jersey is characterized by alternating ridges and valleys formed by folded and faulted sedimentary rocks. This area supports agriculture and forested habitats and is known for its scenic beauty.

New Jersey Federal Lands Map

Notable Federal Lands in New Jersey: Largest and Most Fascinating Destinations

New Jersey is home to a variety of federally protected lands that offer scenic beauty, historical significance, and recreational opportunities. Below are some of the Notable Federal Lands: Some of the Largest and Most Fascinating Destinations in the state:

New Jersey Ecoregions Map

Ecoregions of New Jersey

Hudson Valley Section

The Hudson Valley Section in New Jersey includes parts of the river valleys and surrounding areas that are vital for agriculture, urban settlements, and biodiversity. This region features a mix of hardwood forests, wetlands, and agricultural land.

Lower New England Section

The Lower New England Section covers areas with rolling hills and mixed deciduous forests. This ecoregion supports a diverse range of plant and animal life, and its forests are known for vibrant autumn foliage.

Northern Appalachian Piedmont Section

The Northern Appalachian Piedmont in New Jersey is characterized by rolling terrain and forested hills. This region is ecologically significant due to its mix of woodland, meadows, and streams that provide habitats for diverse wildlife species.

Upper Atlantic Coastal Plain Section

The Upper Atlantic Coastal Plain Section encompasses flat, sandy terrain that extends inland from the coast. This region includes coastal forests, wetlands, and marshes that are crucial for bird migration and other wildlife.