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New Jersey Colleges and Private Schools

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New Jersey University, College and School Legend

FID = Feature ID
IPEDSID = New Jersey Integrated Postsecondary Education Data ID
NAME = Name for selected New Jersey University, College or School
ADDRESS = Primary street address or PO Box for selected New Jersey University, College or School
ADDRESS2 = Secondary street address (e.g., Apt, Suite, Floor)
CITY = New Jersey city for the selected feature
STATE = ABV of selected feature state
ZIP = Feature Zip Code
ZIP4 = Census block zip code
TELEPHONE = Phone number for selected New Jersey University, College or School
TYPE = Specific categorical breakdown of the feature ( 1 = Public, 2 = Private not-for-profit, 3 = Private for-profit, -3 = Not available )
STATUS = Operational status of the feature ( M = Closed in current year (active, has data), A = Active - institution active, C = Combined with other institution, N = New (active) - added during the current year, R = Restore (active) - restored to the current universe, D = Delete out of business )
POPULATION = Sum of total enrollment and total employees. For records where the total employees is NULL, Population is total enrollment.
COUNTY = U.S. County feature is located
COUNTYFIPS = County Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code - 5 digits
COUNTRY = World Country
LATITUDE = Decimal Degree Latitude
NAICS_CODE = North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code
NAICS_DESC = Type of New Jersey University, College or School
SOURCE = Web source
SOURCE_DAT = Source date
VAL_METHOD = Methodology used to validate location of New Jersey University, College or School
VAL_DATE = Date when location was validated
WEBSITE = Feature's web site
STFIPS = State Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code - 2 digit
COFIPS = County Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code - 3 digit
SECTOR = Sector of feature ( 1 = Public, 4-year or above, 2 = Private not-for-profit, 4-year or above, 3 = Private for-profit, 4-year or above, 4 = Public, 2-year, 5 = Private not-for-profit, 2-year, 6 = Private for-profit, 2-year, 7 = Public, less-than 2-year, 8 = Private not-for-profit, less-than 2-year, 9 = Private for-profit, less-than 2-year, 99 = Sector unknown (not active))
LEVEL = Level of institution (1 = Four or more years, 2 = At least 2 but less than 4 years, -3 = Not Available, 3 = Less than 2 years (below associate) )
HI_OFFER = Highest level offered ( 1 = Award of less than one academic year, 2 = At least 1, but less than 2 academic yrs, 3 = Associates degree, 4 = At least 2, but less than 4 academic yrs, 5 = Bachelors degree, 6 = Post-baccalaureate certificate, 7 = Masters degree, 8 = Post-masters certificate, 9 = Doctors degree )
DEG_GRANT = Degree-granting status ( 1 = Degree-granting, 2 = Non-degree granting, primarily postsecondary, 3 = Not available )
LOCALE = Degree of urbanization ( -3 = Not available, 11 = City: Large, 12 = City: Midsize, 13 = City: Small, 21 = Suburb: Large, 22 = Suburb: Midsize, 23 = Suburb: Small, 31 = Town: Fringe, 32 = Town: Distant, 33 = Town: Remote, 41 = Rural: Fringe, 42 = Rural: Distant, 43 = Rural: Remote)
CLOSE_DATE = Date feature closed (mmddyyyy)
MERGE_ID = Unique ID for merged schools (IPEDSID)
ALIAS = Feature name alias
SIZE_SET = Carnegie Classification 2005 size and setting ( -3 = Not available, -2 = Not applicable, 0 = Not classified, 1 = Very small two-year, 2 = Small two-year, 3 = Medium two-year, 4 = Large two-year, 5 = Very large two-year, 6 = Very small four-year, primarily nonresidential, 7 = Very small four-year, primarily residential, 8 = Very small four-year, highly residential, 9 = Small four-year, primarily nonresidential, 10 = Small four-year, primarily residential, 11 = Small four-year, highly residential, 12 = Medium four-year, primarily nonresidential, 13 = Medium four-year, primarily residential, 14 = Medium four-year, highly residential, 15 = Large four-year, primarily nonresidential, 16 = Large four-year, primarily residential, 17 = Large four-year, highly residential, 18 = Exclusively graduate/professional )
INST_SIZE = Feature size category based on student enrollment ( 1 = Under 1,000, 2 = 1,000 - 4,999, 3 = 5,000 - 9,999, 4 = 10,000 - 19,999, 5 = 20,000 and above, -1 = Not reported, -2 Not applicable )
PT_ENROLL = Estimated enrollment, part-time
FT_ENROLL = Estimated enrollment, full-time
TOT_ENROLL = Estimated enrollment, total
HOUSING = Institution provides on-campus housing ( -1 = Not reported, 2 = No, 1 = Yes, -2 = Not applicable )
DORM_CAP = Total dormitory capacity
TOT_EMPLOY = Total employed
SHELTER_ID = National Shelter System ID

Map date source: LANDUSEA SDC data
Map copyright: cccarto.com

School State Index