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California Colleges and Private Schools

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Top Educational Institutions in California

Public Colleges

University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley)

Founded in 1868, UC Berkeley is a leading research institution, renowned for its programs in engineering, sciences, and liberal arts.

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Established in 1919, UCLA is one of the most prestigious public universities in the U.S., excelling in a wide range of disciplines.

State Universities

California State University, Long Beach (CSULB)

CSULB is one of the largest campuses in the CSU system, offering diverse undergraduate and graduate programs.

Private Universities

Stanford University

Established in 1885, Stanford is one of the world's leading research institutions, excelling in technology, business, and sciences.

California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

Caltech is a world-renowned institution focusing on science and engineering, with a strong emphasis on research.

Community Colleges

Santa Monica College (SMC)

SMC is a leading community college known for its transfer pathways to UC and CSU campuses.

California University, College and School Legend

FID = Feature ID
IPEDSID = California Integrated Postsecondary Education Data ID
NAME = Name for selected California University, College or School
ADDRESS = Primary street address or PO Box for selected California University, College or School
ADDRESS2 = Secondary street address (e.g., Apt, Suite, Floor)
CITY = California city for the selected feature
STATE = ABV of selected feature state
ZIP = Feature Zip Code
ZIP4 = Census block zip code
TELEPHONE = Phone number for selected California University, College or School
TYPE = Specific categorical breakdown of the feature ( 1 = Public, 2 = Private not-for-profit, 3 = Private for-profit, -3 = Not available )
STATUS = Operational status of the feature ( M = Closed in current year (active, has data), A = Active - institution active, C = Combined with other institution, N = New (active) - added during the current year, R = Restore (active) - restored to the current universe, D = Delete out of business )
POPULATION = Sum of total enrollment and total employees. For records where the total employees is NULL, Population is total enrollment.
COUNTY = U.S. County feature is located
COUNTYFIPS = County Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code - 5 digits
COUNTRY = World Country
LATITUDE = Decimal Degree Latitude
NAICS_CODE = North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code
NAICS_DESC = Type of California University, College or School
SOURCE = Web source
SOURCE_DAT = Source date
VAL_METHOD = Methodology used to validate location of California University, College or School
VAL_DATE = Date when location was validated
WEBSITE = Feature's web site
STFIPS = State Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code - 2 digit
COFIPS = County Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code - 3 digit
SECTOR = Sector of feature ( 1 = Public, 4-year or above, 2 = Private not-for-profit, 4-year or above, 3 = Private for-profit, 4-year or above, 4 = Public, 2-year, 5 = Private not-for-profit, 2-year, 6 = Private for-profit, 2-year, 7 = Public, less-than 2-year, 8 = Private not-for-profit, less-than 2-year, 9 = Private for-profit, less-than 2-year, 99 = Sector unknown (not active))
LEVEL = Level of institution (1 = Four or more years, 2 = At least 2 but less than 4 years, -3 = Not Available, 3 = Less than 2 years (below associate) )
HI_OFFER = Highest level offered ( 1 = Award of less than one academic year, 2 = At least 1, but less than 2 academic yrs, 3 = Associates degree, 4 = At least 2, but less than 4 academic yrs, 5 = Bachelors degree, 6 = Post-baccalaureate certificate, 7 = Masters degree, 8 = Post-masters certificate, 9 = Doctors degree )
DEG_GRANT = Degree-granting status ( 1 = Degree-granting, 2 = Non-degree granting, primarily postsecondary, 3 = Not available )
LOCALE = Degree of urbanization ( -3 = Not available, 11 = City: Large, 12 = City: Midsize, 13 = City: Small, 21 = Suburb: Large, 22 = Suburb: Midsize, 23 = Suburb: Small, 31 = Town: Fringe, 32 = Town: Distant, 33 = Town: Remote, 41 = Rural: Fringe, 42 = Rural: Distant, 43 = Rural: Remote)
CLOSE_DATE = Date feature closed (mmddyyyy)
MERGE_ID = Unique ID for merged schools (IPEDSID)
ALIAS = Feature name alias
SIZE_SET = Carnegie Classification 2005 size and setting ( -3 = Not available, -2 = Not applicable, 0 = Not classified, 1 = Very small two-year, 2 = Small two-year, 3 = Medium two-year, 4 = Large two-year, 5 = Very large two-year, 6 = Very small four-year, primarily nonresidential, 7 = Very small four-year, primarily residential, 8 = Very small four-year, highly residential, 9 = Small four-year, primarily nonresidential, 10 = Small four-year, primarily residential, 11 = Small four-year, highly residential, 12 = Medium four-year, primarily nonresidential, 13 = Medium four-year, primarily residential, 14 = Medium four-year, highly residential, 15 = Large four-year, primarily nonresidential, 16 = Large four-year, primarily residential, 17 = Large four-year, highly residential, 18 = Exclusively graduate/professional )
INST_SIZE = Feature size category based on student enrollment ( 1 = Under 1,000, 2 = 1,000 - 4,999, 3 = 5,000 - 9,999, 4 = 10,000 - 19,999, 5 = 20,000 and above, -1 = Not reported, -2 Not applicable )
PT_ENROLL = Estimated enrollment, part-time
FT_ENROLL = Estimated enrollment, full-time
TOT_ENROLL = Estimated enrollment, total
HOUSING = Institution provides on-campus housing ( -1 = Not reported, 2 = No, 1 = Yes, -2 = Not applicable )
DORM_CAP = Total dormitory capacity
TOT_EMPLOY = Total employed
SHELTER_ID = National Shelter System ID

Map date source: LANDUSEA SDC data
Map copyright: cccarto.com

School State Index