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Australia Oil Fields Map

Australia has a notable history in oil and gas exploration, with the industry dating back to the 19th century. Significant discoveries were made in the early 20th century, particularly in Western Australia and Queensland. The nation's major oil fields include the North West Shelf in Western Australia, Bass Strait in Victoria, and the Carnarvon Basin, which collectively account for a substantial portion of Australia's oil production. The Bass Strait fields, discovered in the 1960s, were pivotal in establishing Australia as a major oil producer.

Today, the country's oil and gas extraction is dominated by several key players and companies. These include Woodside Petroleum, Santos, and Chevron, among others. These companies operate major projects across Western Australia, Queensland, and the Northern Territory, utilizing advanced extraction technologies to access reserves both onshore and offshore.

Offshore oil production is significant, particularly in the North West Shelf and the Timor Sea, where deepwater drilling has unlocked substantial reserves. The North West Shelf alone is one of Australia's largest resource projects, producing significant volumes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) alongside oil.

In terms of production volumes, Australia has extracted substantial amounts of oil and gas over the decades, contributing significantly to its economy. However, reserves are finite, and there's ongoing exploration to identify new fields and extend the life of existing ones. Estimates vary, but Australia is believed to have considerable untapped reserves, especially in unconventional sources like shale gas.

Australia is a major exporter of both oil and gas, with LNG exports playing a crucial role in its economy. The country exports a significant portion of its production to Asia, particularly to Japan, China, and South Korea. These exports generate substantial revenue, contributing significantly to Australia's GDP. The revenue from oil and gas exports fluctuates with global prices and demand but remains a vital component of the national economy.

Overall, Australia's oil and gas industry continues to evolve, balancing extraction with environmental considerations and technological advancements. The sector's future growth will likely depend on new discoveries, technological innovations, and global energy trends affecting demand and pricing.

Field Acronyms

EUR_MMBOE = Estimated ultimate recovery in million barrels of oil equivalent

Giant oil and gas fields = those with 500 million barrels (79,000,000 m3) of ultimately recoverable oil or gas equivalent.

Super giant oil field = holds equivalent of 5.5bn barrels of oil reserves.

Oil Field Key

Australia Oil Fields

Barracouta Field, Australia, Discovered 1965, Giant Field

Bayu/Undan Field, Australia, Discovered 1995, Giant Field

Brecknock Field, Australia, Discovered 1979, Giant Field

Calliance Field, Australia, Discovered 2000, Giant Field

Callirhoe Field, Australia, Discovered 2001, Giant Field

Chandon Field, Australia, Discovered 2006, Giant Field

Chrysaor Field, Australia, Discovered 1994, Giant Field

Crux Field, Australia, Discovered 2000, Giant Field

Dionysus Field, Australia, Discovered 1988, Giant Field

Evans Shoal Field, Australia, Discovered 1971, Giant Field

Geryon Field, Australia, Discovered 1999, Giant Field

Gidgealpa Field, Australia, Discovered 1964, Giant Field

Goodwyn Field, Australia, Discovered 1981, Giant Field

Gorgon Field, Australia, Discovered 1980, Giant Field

Halibut Field, Australia, Discovered 1967, Giant Field

Io Field, Australia, Discovered 2001, Giant Field

Jansz Field, Australia, Discovered 2000, Giant Field

Julimar Southeast-1 Field, Australia, Discovered 2008, Giant Field

Kingfish Field, Australia, Discovered 1967, Giant Field

Marlin Field, Australia, Discovered 1966, Giant Field

Moomba Field, Australia, Discovered 1964, Giant Field

Orthrus Field, Australia, Discovered 1999, Giant Field

Perseus Field, Australia, Discovered 1972, Giant Field

Petrel Field, Australia, Discovered 1969, Giant Field

Pluto Field, Australia, Discovered 2005, Giant Field

Rankin North Field, Australia, Discovered 1971, Giant Field

Scarborough Field, Australia, Discovered 1979, Giant Field

Scott Reef Field, Australia, Discovered 1971, Giant Field

Snapper Field, Australia, Discovered 1968, Giant Field

Sunrise/Loxton Shoals/Sunset Field, Australia, Discovered 1975, Giant Field

Titanichthys Field, Australia, Discovered 2001, Giant Field

Wheatstone Field, Australia, Discovered 2004, Giant Field

Data Source: EIA
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