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Marina Del Rey Docks and Slips Map

Use the Marina Del Rey Harbor slip map to find both slip and dock numbers and locations. Click on
docks or slips for numbers and ownership information. The first number is slip and the second
number is dock. So 11 E-2500 would find slip 11 on dock E-2500.

Marina Del Rey harbor has eight boat basins separated by six fingers of land, each of which has one named access street on it. From the northeastern area of the Marina, circling clockwise, these access streets are: Bali Way, Mindanao Way (with the west terminus at the Burton Chace Park), Fiji Way (which borders the southeastern edge of the Marina), Bora Bora Wy, Tahiti Wy, Marquesas Wy, Panay Wy, and Palawan Way. Marquesas Way, Panay Way, Tahiti Way, and Bora Bora Way are all on the western marina side and all terminate at Via Marina street. Palawan Way is also on the west side, but it terminates at Washington Blvd.

Source: City of Los Angeles