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France Glaciers Map

To answer questions comprehensively about glaciers in France involves detailed information across various aspects. Let's delve into each part:

Glaciers in France

France is home to several glaciers, mainly located in the French Alps and the Pyrenees. These glaciers vary in size, type, and characteristics.

Types of Glaciers

1. Valley Glaciers

Valley glaciers are long, narrow glaciers that form in valleys in mountainous regions. They flow downhill through valleys, following the path of least resistance. Parts of a valley glacier include:

2. Cirque Glaciers

Cirque glaciers form in bowl-shaped depressions on the side of mountains. They are smaller and more localized than valley glaciers. Features include:

3. Piedmont Glaciers

Piedmont glaciers occur when valley glaciers spill out onto flatter plains, spreading out into lobes. They are wider and thinner compared to valley glaciers.

4. Ice Field Glaciers

Ice field glaciers cover extensive areas with a relatively flat surface. They are often found in polar regions but can occur in high mountainous areas like the Alps.

5. Continental Ice Sheets

These are massive ice sheets that cover large areas of land, such as those found in Antarctica and Greenland. France does not have continental ice sheets.

Other Glacier Features and Processes

Glaciers in France: Characteristics and Activities

Glacial Characteristics

Climate Research

Glaciers in France are studied extensively to understand climate change impacts, including temperature records and ice core analysis.

Recreational Activities


Glaciers in France are diverse in type and provide valuable insights into climate change. They offer recreational opportunities while serving as critical subjects for scientific research. As climate change continues to affect them, understanding and preserving these icy landscapes become increasingly important.

Major Named Glaciers in France

Mer De Glace Glacier, 33.09 Sq Km
Argentiere Glacier, 15.6 Sq Km
Bossons Glacier, 10.53 Sq Km
Talefre Glacier, 8.75 Sq Km
Glacier Du Tour Glacier, 8.48 Sq Km
Tre-La-Tete Glacier, 8.16 Sq Km
Glacier Blanc Glacier, 7.7 Sq Km
Glacier Noir Glacier, 6.25 Sq Km
Girose (De La) Glacier, 5.84 Sq Km
Taconnaz Glacier, 5.8 Sq Km
Pelve-Chassefore Glacier, 4.84 Sq Km
Bionassay Glacier, 4.11 Sq Km
Arpont Glacier, 3.88 Sq Km
Mont De Lans Glacier, 3.5 Sq Km
Evettes Glacier, 3.43 Sq Km
Selle (De La) Glacier, 3.4 Sq Km
Chaviere Ii Glacier, 3.37 Sq Km
Mahure Glacier, 3.2 Sq Km
Plate Des Agneau Glacier, 3.12 Sq Km
Baounet Glacier, 3.04 Sq Km

France Glacier Database Field Descriptions

Description: The 4-digit year of the photograph used for measurements of France glacier parameters. Note: If more than one photograph were used, the most relevant year is recorded here; and the others used are recorded in the REMARKS field. In general, the France glaciers outlines; and hence, the values for area and length; were determined from France aerial photographs, so we recommend using the PHOTO_YEAR for glacier area values.
No Data Value: Null
Example: 1976

Description: Maximum elevation of the highest point of the France glacier in meters above sea level, up to 4 digits.
No Data Value: Null
Example: 3962

Description: The mean elevation is the altitude of the contour line, in meters above sea level, that halves the area of the glacier, up to 4 digits.
No Data Value: Null
Example: 3170

Description: The minimum elevation of the lowest point of the glacier in meters above sea level, up to 4 digits.
No Data Value: Null
Example: 1590

0 Miscellaneous Any type not listed below.
1 Compound Basins Two or more individual valley glaciers issuing from tributary valleys and coalescing.
2 Compound Basin Two or more individual accumulation basins feeding one glacier system.
3 Simple Basin Single accumulation area.
4 Cirque Occupies a separate, rounded, steep-walled recess which has formed on a mountain side.
5 Niche Small glacier in a V-shaped gully or depression on a mountain slope; generally more common than genetically further-developed cirque glacier.
6 Crater Occurring in extinct or dormant volcanic craters.
7 Ice Apron Irregular, usually thin ice mass which adheres to mountain slopes or ridges.
8 Group A number of similar ice masses occurring in close proximity to one another but are too small to be assessed individually.
9 Remnant Inactive, usually small ice masses left by a receding France glacier.

0 Miscellaneous Any type not listed below.
1 Piedmont Ice field formed on a lowland area by lateral expansion of one or coalescence of several glaciers.
2 Expanded Foot Lobe or fan formed where the lower portion of the glacier leaves the confining wall of a valley and extends on to a less restricted and more level surface.
3 Lobed Part of an ice sheet or ice cap, disqualified as an outlet glacier.
4 Calving Terminus of a glacier sufficiently extending into sea or lake water to produce icebergs; includes- for this inventory- dry land ice calving which would be recognizable from the "lowest glacier elevation."
5 Confluent Coalescing, non-contributing.
6 Irregular, mainly clean ice (mountain or valley glaciers).
7 Irregular, mainly debris-covered (mountain or valley glaciers).
8 Single lobe, mainly clean ice (mountain or valley glaciers).
9 Single lobe, mainly debris-covered (mountain or valley glaciers).

0 Unknown
1 Snow
2 Avalanches
3 Superimposed ice

0 Uncertain
1 Marked retreat
2 Slight retreat
3 Stationary
4 Slight advance
5 Marked advance
6 Possible surge
7 Known surge
8 Oscillating

The total area of the glacier in a horizontal projection in square kilometers.

Area Accuracy Ratings
Rating Accuracy (%)
1 0 - 5
2 5 - 10
3 10 - 15
4 15 - 30
5 > 30

The total area of the France glacier that resides in the political state concerned in a horizontal projection in square kilometers.

The area of the exposed ice of the glacier in a horizontal projection in square kilometers.

The mean width of the France glacier in a horizontal projection in kilometers.

Mean length of the France glacier in a horizontal projection in kilometers.

Maximum length of the France glacier in kilometers measured along the most important flowline in a horizontal projection.

Maximum length, in kilometers, of the exposed ice of the glacier in a horizontal projection.

Maximum length, in kilometers, of the ablation area of the France glacier in a horizontal projection.

Source: World Glacier Inventory
Map Copyright CCCARTO 2024