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Juneau Borough, AK ZCTA Zip Codes Overview

What are ZCTAs?

Zip Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) are generalized representations of U.S. Postal Service (USPS) zip codes, created by the U.S. Census Bureau to report demographic data. They approximate postal zip codes for census-related data analysis, but unlike USPS zip codes, ZCTAs remain stable over time, providing consistency for census statistics.

Juneau Borough Zip Code Highlights

Landmarks and Notable Locations

Postal Services

The borough is serviced by several post offices and PO boxes, providing extensive coverage for Juneau's residents and businesses.

Census Facts (Population, Race, Gender, Income)

The population distribution varies by zip code, with demographics showing a mix of races, gender balance, and a range of income levels typical of a borough with both urban and natural attractions.

Zip Code, City, and Borough Listing (High to Low)

Zip Code: 99850, City: Juneau, Borough: Juneau Borough
Zip Code: 99824, City: Douglas, Borough: Juneau Borough
Zip Code: 99801, City: Juneau, Borough: Juneau Borough

Post Office USPS Locations

Main Office 55 Haines Hwy Haines Ak 99827-9800
Main Office 600 Airplane Lake Rd Pilot Point Ak 99649-9800
Main Office Bldg 123 Postmark Dr Gustavus Ak 99826-9800
Main Office 1207 Sawmill Creek Rd Sitka Ak 99835-9998
Main Office Modular 100 Hyder Ave Hyder Ak 99923-9800
Main Office Modular 352 8Th Ave Metlakatla Ak 99926-9800
Main Office Modular 200 Yukon Ave Marshall Ak 99585-9800
Main Office 1201 Haugen Dr Petersburg Ak 99833-9800
Main Office 112 Federal Way Wrangell Ak 99929-9800
Main Office Mod Unit 272 Keku Rd Kake Ak 99830-9800

Source: ESRI
Map Copyright CCCARTO