Bronx, NY Zip Code MapNY Counties Zip Code Maps

Bronx, NY Zip Codes

Bronx County, NY Zip Codes

This Bronx County, New York zip code map does not show post box zip codes or unique zip codes. These maps are designed for quick general lookup of census zip code polygon property land ownership areas. The Census Bureau does not keep up-to-date data-sets of all ZIP codes.
ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAsª) are a new statistical entity developed by the U.S. Census Bureau for tabulating summary statistics from Census data. This new entity was developed to overcome the difficulties in precisely defining the land area covered by each ZIP Code. Defining the extent of an area is necessary in order to accurately tabulate census data for that area.
ZCTAs are generalized area representations of U.S. Postal Service (USPS) ZIP Code service areas. Simply put, each one is built by aggregating the Census data blocks, whose addresses use a given ZIP Code, into a ZCTA which gets that ZIP Code assigned as its ZCTA code. They represent the majority USPS five-digit ZIP Code found in a given area. For those areas where it is difficult to determine the prevailing five-digit ZIP Code, the higher-level three-digit ZIP Code is used for the ZCTA code. Also, Some areas that are in remote regions might have PO box zip code usage. Source U.S. Census
Many use this Bronx County, New York map to find county and city area zip codes for businesses, real estate, property management, land development, and trucking.

Bronx 10451 Zip Code

Bronx 10452 Zip Code

Bronx 10453 Zip Code

Bronx 10454 Zip Code

Bronx 10455 Zip Code

Bronx 10456 Zip Code

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Bronx 10457 Zip Code

Bronx 10458 Zip Code

Bronx 10459 Zip Code

Bronx 10460 Zip Code

Bronx 10461 Zip Code

Bronx 10462 Zip Code

Bronx 10463 Zip Code

Bronx 10464 Zip Code

Bronx 10465 Zip Code

Bronx 10466 Zip Code

Bronx 10467 Zip Code

Bronx 10468 Zip Code

Bronx 10469 Zip Code

Bronx 10470 Zip Code

Bronx 10471 Zip Code

Bronx 10472 Zip Code

Bronx 10473 Zip Code

Bronx 10474 Zip Code

Bronx 10475 Zip Code

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Map Copyright CCCARTO
Data and Image Source: Census, Terrain-USA/OSM
CCCarto 2017